Claudia Zoccarato – Publications

Articles in International Journals

Zancanaro, E., Zoccarato, C., Morari, F., & Teatini, P., Estimation of hydraulic parameters in a heterogeneous low-lying farmland near Venice. Hydrological Processes, 37( 1), e14791., 2023

L. Gazzola, M. Ferronato, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, A. Corradi, M. C. Dacome, S. Mantica, Reducing uncertainty on land subsidence modeling prediction by a sequential data-integration approach. Application to the Arlua off-shore reservoir in Italy, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100434,, 2023

C. Zoccarato, Minderhoud, P.S.J., Zorzan, P.,Luigi Tosi, Alessandro Bergamasco, Veronica Girardi, Paolo Simonini, Chiara Cavallina, Marta Cosma, Cristina Da Lio, Sandra Donnici & Pietro Teatini  In-situ loading experiments reveal how the subsurface affects coastal marsh survival. Commun Earth Environ 3, 264, 2022.

R. Xotta, C. Zoccarato, P. Minderhoud and P. Teatini, Modelling the role of compaction in the three-dimensional evolution of depositional environments, J. of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 127, e2022JF006590, doi:10.1029/2022JF006590, 2022.

R. Bonì, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, C. Guardiola-Albert, P. Ezquerro, G. Bru, R. Tomás, J. Valdes-Abellan, C. Pla, M. I. Navarro-Hernandez, A. Elçi, B. Çaylak, A. H. Ören, K. Shatanawi, A. H. Mohammad, H. A. Hajar, T. Letterio, R. Genovesi, H. Hreisha, Q. Al-Mimi, and C. Meisina, Stakeholders’ perspective on groundwater management in four water-stressed Mediterranean areas: priorities and challenges, Land, 11, 738, 2022.

Li Y., Friedman N., Teatini P., Benczur A., Ye S., Zhu L., Zoccarato C., Sensitivity analysis of factors controlling earth fissures due to excessive groundwater pumping. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2022.

Li, J., Zhu, L., Gong, H., Zhou, J., Dai Z., Li X., Wang H., Zoccarato C., Teatini P. Unraveling elastic and inelastic storage of aquifer systems by integrating fast independent component analysis and a variable preconsolidation head decomposition method. Journal of Hydrology, 127420, 2022.

Friedman, N., Zoccarato , C., Zander, E., & Matthies, H. G. A Worked-out Example of Surrogate-based Bayesian Parameter and Field Identification Methods. Bayesian Methods for the Analysis of Engineering Systems; Chiachio Ruano, J., Chiachio Ruano, M., Sankararaman, S., Eds, 2021.

Gazzola, L., Ferronato, M., Frigo, M., Janna C, Teatini P., Zoccarato C., et al. A novel methodological approach for land subsidence prediction through data assimilation techniques. Comput Geosci 25, 1751, 2021.

Li Y., Teatini P., Yu J., Franceschini A., Frigo M., Zoccarato C., and Ye S. Aseismic Multifissure Modeling in Unfaulted Heavily Pumped Basins: Mechanisms and Applications. Water Resources Research, 57(10), e2021WR030127, 2021.

C. Zoccarato, C. Da Lio. The Holocene influence on the future evolution of the Venice Lagoon tidal marshes. Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (1), 1-9, 2021.

P. Teatini, Martelli, G., Comerlati, A., Paiero, G., and Zoccarato, C. Managed versus natural recharge of pre‐Alpine phreatic aquifers. Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR027848., 2020.

C. Zoccarato, Gazzola, L.; Ferronato, M.; Teatini, P. Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Fast and Accurate Uncertainty Quantification in Geomechanical Modelling. Algorithms, 13, 156, 2020.

R. Boni’, C. Meisina, P. Teatini, F. Zucca, C. Zoccarato, A. Franceschini, P. Ezquerro, M. Bejar-Pizarro, J. A. Fernandez-Merodo, C. Guardiola-Albert, J. L. Pastor, R. Tomas and G. Herrera. 3D groundwater flow and deformation modelling of Madrid aquifer, Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124773, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124773, 2020.

Mazzia, M. Ferronato, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato. Virtual element method for the numerical simulation of long-term dynamics of transitional environments, Journal of Computational Physics, 407, 109235, doi:10.1016/, 2020.

Zoccarato, C. Da Lio, L. Tosi and P. Teatini, A coupled biomorpho-geomechanical model of tidal marsh evolution, Water Resources Research, 55(11), 8330-8349, doi:10.1029/2019WR024875, 2019.

Zoccarato, M. Ferronato, A. Franceschini, C. Janna, P. Teatini. Modeling fault activation due to fluid production: Bayesian update by seismic data, Computational Geosciences, 1-18, doi:10.1007/s10596-019-9815-3, 2019.

Corbau C., U. Simeoni, C. Zoccarato, G. Mantovani, and P. Teatini. Coupling land use evolution and subsidence in the Po Delta, Italy: Revising the past occurrence and prospecting the future management challenges, Science of the Total Environment, 654, 1196-1208. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.104, 2019.

Zoccarato, P. S. J. Minderhoud and P. Teatini. The role of sedimentation and natural compaction in a prograding delta: insights from the mega Mekong delta, Vietnam, Scientific Reports, 8, 11437, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29734-7, 2018.

C. Zoccarato, M. Ferronato, and P. Teatini. Formation compaction vs land subsidence to constrain the rock compressibility of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2018, 13, 14-24,

C. Zoccarato, P. Teatini. Numerical simulations of Holocene salt-marsh dynamics under the hypothesis of large soil deformations, Advances in Water Resources, 110 (2017), 107-119,

C. Zoccarato, D. Baù, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati, A. Alzraiee and P. Teatini. Data Assimilation of surface displacements to improve geomechanical parameters of gas storage reservoirs. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 2016, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012090.

C. Zoccarato, · D. Baù,· F. Bottazzi, · M. Ferronato, · G. Gambolati,· S. Mantica, and· P. Teatini. On the importance of the heterogeneity assumption in the characterization of reservoir geomechanical properties. Geophys. J. Int., 2016, 207, 47–58, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw259.

Baù, A. Alzraiee, C. Zoccarato, G. Gambolati, M. Ferronato, F. Bottazzi, S. Mantica, and P. Teatini (2015). Testing a data assimilation approach to reduce geomechanical uncertainties in modelling land subsidence. Environmental Geotechniques, doi:10.1680/envgeo.15.00005.

Articles in International Conference Proceedings

  • C. Zoccarato, M. Ferronato, P. Teatini (2021) A Surrogate Model for Fast Land Subsidence Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification. In: Barla M., Di Donna A., Sterpi D. (eds) Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 125. Springer, Cham.
  • L. Gazzola, M. Ferronato, M. Frigo, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato. Integration of Data Assimilation Techniques in Geomechanical Modelling: Ensemble Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation Analysis. In: Barla M., Di Donna A., Sterpi D. (eds) Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 125. Springer, Cham.
  • C. Zoccarato, T. Tornqvist, P. Teatini, and Jon. G. Bridgeman, A shallow compaction model for Holocene Mississippi Delta sediments. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 565-570,, 2020.
  • P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, M. Ferronato, A. Franceschini, M. Frigo, C. Janna and G. Isotton, About geomechanical safety for UGS activities in faulted reservoirs. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 539-545,, 2020.
  • L. Gazzola, M. Ferronato, M. Frigo, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, M. Antonelli, A. A. I. Corradi, M. Carolina Dacome, M. De Simoni and S. Mantica, Blending measurements and numerical models: a novel methodological approach for land subsidence prediction with uncertainty quantification. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 457-462,, 2020.    
  • M. Frigo, M. Ferronato, L. Gazzola, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, M. Antonelli, A. A. I. Corradi, M. Carolina Dacome, M. De Simoni and S. Mantica, Numerical simulation of land subsidence above an off-shore Adriatic hydrocarbon reservoir, Italy, by Data Assimilation techniques. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 449-455,, 2020.   
  • R. Boni’, C. Meisina, P. Teatini, F. Zucca, C. Zoccarato, A. Franceschini, P. Ezquerro, M. Bear-Pizarro, J. A. Fernandez-Merodo, C. Guardiola-Albert, J. Pastor, R. Tomas and G. Herrera, Understanding the dynamic behaviour for the Madrid aquifer (Spain): insights from the integration of A-DInSAR and 3-D groundwater flow and geomechanical models. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 409-414,, 2020.       
  • R. Tomas, J. Pastor, M. Bear-Pizarro, R. Boni’,P. Ezquerro, J. A. Fernandez-Merodo, C. Guardiola-Albert, G. Herrera, C. Meisina, P. Teatini, F. Zucca, C. Zoccarato and A. Franceschini, Wavelet analysis of land subsidence time-series: Madrid Tertiary aquifer case study. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 353-359,, 2020.            
  • P. Teatini, C. Da Lio, L. Tosi, A. Bergamasco, S. Pasqual, P. Simonini, V. Girardi, P. Zorzan, C. Zoccarato, M. Ferronato, M. Roner, M. Marani, A. D’Alpaos, S. Cola, and G. Zambon, Characterizing marshland compressibility by an in-situ loading test: design and set-up of an experiment in the Venice Lagoon. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 345-351,, 2020. 
  • L. Bruno, B. Campo, B. Costagli, E. Stouthamer, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato and A. Amorosi, Factors controlling natural subsidence in the Po Plain. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 285-290,, 2020. 
  • M. Ferronato, M. Frigo, L. Gazzola, P. Teatini and C. Zoccarato, On the radioactive marker technique for in-situ compaction measurements: a critical review. In: Living with Subsidence – Proc. X Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, P. Fokker and G. Erkens eds., Proc. IAHS, 382, 83-87,, 2020.   
  • M. Ferronato, A. Franceschini, M. Frigo, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato. Numerical investigation of fault activation in underground gas storage reservoirs. In F. Kongoli et al. (eds.), Geomechanics and Applications for Sustainable Development, vol. 7: Schrefler Int. Symp., pp. 151-159. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, FLOGEN, 2019.ISBN: 978-1-989820-06-3 (CD). ISSN: 2291-122.
  • P. Teatini, M. Ferronato, A. Franceschini, M. Frigo, C. Janna, C. Zoccarato and G. Isotton, Gas storage in compartmentalized reservoirs: a numerical investigation on possible “unexpected” fault activation In: 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium , American Rock Mechanics Association, paper# ARMA 19-1991, 2019.
  • L. Gazzola, M. Ferronato, M. Frigo, C. Janna, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, M. Antonelli, A. Corradi, M. C. Dacome and S. Mantica, Uncertainty quantification and reduction through Data Assimilation approaches for the geomechanical modeling of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In: 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium , American Rock Mechanics Association, paper# ARMA 19-208, 2019
  • M. Ferronato, A. Mazzia, P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato. A Virtual Element Model for the prediction of long-term salt marsh dynamics. In: MODSIM 2017 – Managing cumulative risks through model-based processes, G. Syme et al. eds., The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. Publ., ISBN 978-0-9872143-6-2, 305-311, 2017.
  • C. Zoccarato, · D. Baù, · M. Ferronato, · G. Gambolati, and· P. Teatini (2016). Ensemble smoothing of land displacements and deep compaction for the geomechanical characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: from the Past to the Future – Ulusay et al. (eds) Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-03265-1, Vol. 2, 1171-1176.
  • C. Zoccarato, · D. Baù,· F. Bottazzi, · M. Ferronato, · G. Gambolati,· S. Mantica, and· P. Teatini (2015). Estimate of spatially variable reservoir compressibility by assimilation of ground surface displacement data. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, DOI: 10.5194/piahs-372-351-2015.
  • C. Zoccarato, A. Alzraiee, D. Baù, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati, C.Janna, and P. Teatini. Data Assimilation of SAR-Based Measurements for Geomechanical Characterization (2014). Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, F. Oka et al. eds., Taylor and Francis Group, London, DOI: 10.1201/b17435-216.
  • C. Zoccarato, A. Alzraiee, D. Baù, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati, C. Janna and P. Teatini (2014). Geomechanical characterization of storage reservoirs by assimilation of surface displacements. In: Fourth EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop, Paper C06, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20140086.

Articles in National Conference Proceedings

  • C. Zoccarato, R. Xotta, C. Da Lio, L. Tosi and P. Teatini. RESILIENZA DI AMBIENTI BARENICOLI LAGUNARI: ACCOPPIAMENTO DI PROCESSI BIO-MORFOLOGICI E GEOMECCANICI. In: XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria, 7-9 Settembre 2020.
  • S. Nardean, Y. Zhang, M. Ferronato, S. Ye, C. Zoccarato and P. Teatini.  MODELLAZIONE FISICA E NUMERICA DELLA GENERAZIONE DI FRATTURE IN ACQUIFERI SOVRA-SFRUTTATI. In: XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria, 7-9 Settembre 2020.
  • P. Teatini, C. Zoccarato, C. Da Lio, and L. Tosi, Sull’evoluzione altimetrica delle barene della Laguna di Venezia in relazione all’atteso “RSLR”. In: LXXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Ancona, 12-14 Settembre 2018, ISBN 9788894379907, Memoria #98, 2018.